Rebel Newsflash: Aid blackmail in Palestine (plus 52 more items) | |
- Aid blackmail in Palestine
- The plight of the Negev's Bedouin
- Why tax the rich to pay for more war?
- America couldn't veto Palestinian admission to the UN
- How the US taxpayer got plucked in Iraq
- Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined
- Occupy The Wall Street
- Ritual in the revolution?
- Why Kosovo but not Palestine?
- Dallying with human rights in Britain
- NYPD and Seattle Police Beat Up Protesters
- Half of U.S. Households Receive Government Aid … But One-Third of Americans Are Still One Paycheck Away from Homelessness
- You Only Think You've Got Rights (Part 4)
- Obama Refuses to Provide Proof of Awlaki Culpability
- And So It Begins – The First Major European Bank Has Been Bailed Out And More Bailouts Are Coming
- Russia-China: 'No regime change in Syria'
- How the GOP has learned to love Israel unconditionally
- Rense & Dr Mohammed Miraki - Eyewitness Account Of US Slaughter In Afghanistan
- Irene Zisblatt – Treblinka Survivor
- Truth and Falsehood in Syria
- 'US institutions serving 1% rich'
- Iran to produce Antonovs with Ukraine
- 'Saudi royals suppressing citizens'
- Iranian film to hit Canadian theaters
- Killing the Preacher: 'Mowing Grass' in Yemen
- Pakistan Sold for $8 billion!
- Iran's Karimi to judge at Turkish filmfest
- US post-invasion policy made Iraq worse
- Putin wants Eurasian Union to compete with EU and US
- Shocking Video: Syrian opposition violence
- 'Russia won't buy bogus NATO Syria line'
- Germany Prepares to Exit Euro as Sovereign Debt Crisis Grows
- Hypocrisy at its most naked
- Revolution imminent in Saudi Arabia
- Bashar al-Assad for president ... of Pakistan
- Occupy Wall Street 'Stands In Solidarity' With Obama Front Group
- 'Saudi king rules with iron fist'
- Occupy Wall Street: The labour connection
- Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel
- The Folly of Long Term Investing
- Sex and the single drone
- The price of oppressing your women
- 'West against KSA becoming democracy'
- Macaca Media: Squeezing Blood from Stone
- Why the UN must abolish the 'Quartet'
- Alexander's Curse
- Settlers Attack Israeli Activists and Palestinian Farmers near Anatot 30 9 2011
- Isn't it just like a Judeofascist to lie about the existence of his ideology, worm out of accountability, and claim critics are conspiracy theorists?
- Soros Publicly Supports Occupy Wall Street
- The Mouse That Roared
- In a rare act of patriotism, Zionist bootlicker Biden prevented Zionist bootlicker Obama from releasing treasonous Jewish-American spy Pollard
- "Illuminati Pawn" - America's Secret Destiny
- Gaza in Plain Language—Revisited. Honoring the March to Gaza. Now on March 4th, 2011
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 05:33 AM PDT A report released last month showed that aid money, because of the conditions on how it is spent, almost all flows back to companies in the donor nation - making places like the Palestinian territories a channel through which countries turn state aid into corporate gain. |
The plight of the Negev's Bedouin Posted: 06 Oct 2011 05:00 AM PDT The Bedouin are the indigenous owner-occupiers of the Negev - they have been there for thousands of years. Since 1948 Israel has built dozens of Jewish towns, villages, kibbutzim and farms while pushing the Bedouin into ever smaller enclaves. In Rahat, for example, there are 52,000 Bedouin living on 21,000 acres, while the regional council of Bnei-Shimon covers 440,000 acres and is home to just 6,000 Jews. |
Why tax the rich to pay for more war? Posted: 06 Oct 2011 04:14 AM PDT The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily represent al Jazeera's editorial policy. |
America couldn't veto Palestinian admission to the UN Posted: 06 Oct 2011 04:00 AM PDT Membership of the UN has to follow a two-stage procedure: a recommendation adopted by the Security Council and then a vote at the General Assembly. In the Security Council the adoption of the proposal must be reached by a special majority of 9 to 15 voting states, including all the permanent members. |
How the US taxpayer got plucked in Iraq Posted: 06 Oct 2011 03:36 AM PDT Like learning that Baghdad produced 8,000 tonnes of trash every day, who could have imagined when we invaded Iraq that such information would be important to the Global War on Terror? If I were to meet George W., I would tell him this by way of suggesting that he did not know what he was getting the country into. |
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 03:10 AM PDT That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $4.212 trillion–more than the total national debt of about $4.1672 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined. |
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 02:35 AM PDT Wall Street and London hedge fund tycoon George Soros sent a signal to his minions and infiltrators when he stated that he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Soros's statement dovetailed with David Plouffe, President Obama's Senior Adviser, making contact with certain newly-minted "leaders" of the "Occupy" movement across the United States to ensure that they are as politically-manipulated by the White House as a vast majority of "Tea Party" members have been manipulated by senior Republican Party officials and the billionaire Koch Brothers. |
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 01:43 AM PDT Think tanks, universities, academic associations and NGOs are all jumping on the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) bandwagon. Their tag lines ring with happy liberal slogans about inclusion, peaceful change, and high principle. |
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 12:02 AM PDT Like Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat first declared Palestinian sovereignty in 1988, Kosovar Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova first declared Kosovo independent in 1990. No foreign powers recognised Kosovo at that time, but 127 UN member states have since recognised the State of Palestine. |
Dallying with human rights in Britain Posted: 05 Oct 2011 11:02 PM PDT The UK, which claimed to be a cradle of democracy and human rights, has in recent months witnessed a terminally downward trend in human rights on internal and international planes. |
NYPD and Seattle Police Beat Up Protesters Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:55 PM PDT NYPD beat up protesters again today: |
Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:07 PM PDT In addition, according to Chaz Valenza (a small business owner in New Jersey who earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business) millions of Americans are heading to foodbanks for the first time in their lives. |
You Only Think You've Got Rights (Part 4) Posted: 05 Oct 2011 07:32 PM PDT
Obama Refuses to Provide Proof of Awlaki Culpability Posted: 05 Oct 2011 07:22 PM PDT If al-Awlaki committed treason by giving aid and comfort to America's enemies, he should have been arrested, charged and tried according to the U.S. Constitution. The same information that Mr. Saleh, the dictator, helped provide for the drone attack could have been used to arrest al-Awlaki. Clearly, the aim from the start was to kill, not capture him. |
And So It Begins – The First Major European Bank Has Been Bailed Out And More Bailouts Are Coming Posted: 05 Oct 2011 05:29 PM PDT Dexia is the first victim of the new credit crunch. It got to the point where Dexia simply could not get access to the funding that it needed in the credit markets. |
Russia-China: 'No regime change in Syria' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 05:13 PM PDT On Tuesday, both Russia and China vetoed a ZOGs-sponsored UN Security Council resolution to slap 'crippling sanctions' against Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad if it didn't immediately halt its military crackdown against armed insurgents supported by the US-Israel-France. |
How the GOP has learned to love Israel unconditionally Posted: 05 Oct 2011 05:05 PM PDT
But in the recent round of debates, the crop of candidates vying for the GOP nomination have been chiding President Obama for forcing Israel's hand -- usually to great cheers from the audience. |
Rense & Dr Mohammed Miraki - Eyewitness Account Of US Slaughter In Afghanistan Posted: 05 Oct 2011 02:58 PM PDT
Irene Zisblatt – Treblinka Survivor Posted: 05 Oct 2011 01:30 PM PDT Irene Zisblatt is registered as a Treblinka survivor in the Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. |
Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:43 PM PDT 1. Syria has been a mukhabarat (intelligence) state since the redoubtable Abd al Hamid al Serraj ran the intelligence services as the deuxieme bureau in the 1950s. The authoritarian state which developed from the time Hafez al Assad took power in 1970 has crushed all dissent ruthlessly. On occasion it has either been him or them. The ubiquitous presence of the mukhabarat is an unpleasant fact of Syrian life but as Syria is a central target for assassination and subversion by Israel and western intelligence agencies, as it has repeatedly come under military attack, as it has had a large chunk of its territories occupied and as its enemies are forever looking for opportunities to bring it down, it can hardly be said that the mukhabarat is not needed. |
'US institutions serving 1% rich' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:06 PM PDT Major US unions have expressed support for the countrywide protests at the dire economic situation, which have been raging on under the banner 'Occupy Wall Street' (OWS). |
Iran to produce Antonovs with Ukraine Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:02 PM PDT Managing director of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company (IAMC) says the first Antonov passenger plane made by Iran and Ukraine will fly in 2013. |
'Saudi royals suppressing citizens' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 11:50 AM PDT Saudi people have once again taken to the streets in the Eastern city of al Qatif, to show solidarity with the popular uprisings in Bahrain. |
Iranian film to hit Canadian theaters Posted: 05 Oct 2011 11:34 AM PDT Iranian actor and filmmaker Rambod Javan's latest comedy No Men Allowed is set to hit movie theaters in the Canadian cities of Toronto and Vancouver. |
Killing the Preacher: 'Mowing Grass' in Yemen Posted: 05 Oct 2011 11:20 AM PDT Though in the FBI's sites from 1999, he became a media star after 9/11, interviewed by National Geographic and the New York Times as a moderate, articulate American Muslim. He condemned the attacks, stating "There is no way that the people who did this could be Muslim, and if they claim to be Muslim, then they have perverted their religion." On six days after the 9/11 attacks, he suggested that Israeli intelligence agents might have been responsible, and that the FBI "went into the roster of the airplanes, and whoever has a Muslim or Arab name became the hijacker by default". |
Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:56 AM PDT One can safely say that current ruling Pakistani elite including political, civil, business and military have sold Pakistan as much as for roughly $8 billion worth of assets abroad. This rough estimate is based on the available figures of two leading figures in Pakistani politics Nawaz Sharif & Brothers Limited and Zardari & Co Limited who have properties and assets abroad mainly in the USA, UK, Europe and else where. |
Iran's Karimi to judge at Turkish filmfest Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:50 AM PDT Iranian actress and filmmaker Niki Karimi is slated to serve on the jury panel of the 2011 edition of the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival in Turkey. |
US post-invasion policy made Iraq worse Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:33 AM PDT Iraqi political leaders have declared they will not grant immunity to the US troopers, should any number of them remain in the country beyond an agreed year-end deadline. |
Putin wants Eurasian Union to compete with EU and US Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:28 AM PDT Putin said, "We are talking about a model of a powerful supranational union capable of becoming one of the poles in the modern world." |
Shocking Video: Syrian opposition violence Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:24 AM PDT
'Russia won't buy bogus NATO Syria line' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 09:51 AM PDT
Germany Prepares to Exit Euro as Sovereign Debt Crisis Grows Posted: 05 Oct 2011 09:50 AM PDT A Forsa poll conducted for Stern magazine said that 54 percent of Germans favor a return of their former currency, an identical figure to a poll taken in May 2010, according to Reuters. |
Posted: 05 Oct 2011 08:48 AM PDT Russia and China's veto of the UN Security Council resolution which condemned Syria over its brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters and contained a weak reference to the possibility of sanctions against Damascus proved (again) one thing – that despite torrents of soaring rhetoric to the contrary by our leaders, international politics is not about doing what is right and in the best interests of all nations and peoples, it's only about the short-term, short-sighted, political self-interest of leaders and their governments. And the statement by U.S. ambassador Susan Rice, described by the New York Times as "one of her most bellicose speeches in the Council chamber", was pure, unadultered hypocrisy at its most naked. |
Revolution imminent in Saudi Arabia Posted: 05 Oct 2011 08:21 AM PDT The US has kept silent on Saudi regime's human rights violations, as protests continue demanding reforms and the immediate release of political prisoners. |
Bashar al-Assad for president ... of Pakistan Posted: 05 Oct 2011 08:12 AM PDT Add to this the inconvenient fact that these same insurgents are actively engaged in attacking the forces of Pakistan's American and NATO allies, and you have a prescription for serious, recurring trouble, if not a complete rupture in relations. |
Occupy Wall Street 'Stands In Solidarity' With Obama Front Group Posted: 05 Oct 2011 07:59 AM PDT ********************* |
'Saudi king rules with iron fist' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 07:19 AM PDT Anti-regime protesters have taken to the streets in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province to condemn the brutal crackdown carried out by security forces. |
Occupy Wall Street: The labour connection Posted: 05 Oct 2011 07:11 AM PDT The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy. |
Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel Posted: 05 Oct 2011 05:54 AM PDT "Bank Crisis Set to Trigger New Credit Crunch" says the latest newspaper headline. Belgium author Pascal Roussel, 45, is well placed to explain the financial turmoil convulsing the world. By day, he works in the Financial Risk Dept. of the European Investment Bank in Luxemburg. |
The Folly of Long Term Investing Posted: 05 Oct 2011 04:41 AM PDT Being a "long term" investor these days requires steady nerves. Since July 22, your gains for the year have been wiped out and you are down at least 10%. You could be down 25-40% if you are in commodities. But you're not about to panic because you've invested for the long term. Your mantra is "buy and hold." You're not going to "time the market." You are investing for retirement. |
Posted: 05 Oct 2011 03:37 AM PDT Here's another curiosity. The day after Charlie Savage's piece appeared in the Times, the president's top advisor on counterterror operations, John O Brennan, gave a speech at a conference at Harvard Law School on "Strengthening our security by adhering to our values and laws," and seemed to settle the "debate", part of which he defined this way: |
The price of oppressing your women Posted: 05 Oct 2011 03:10 AM PDT The low status of women on Planet Worst cannot be blamed on cultural stasis: Many of the "surprise" countries - Romania, Portugal, the Philippines, and India - treated women far more unequally a mere 50-100 years ago. In Pakistan, marital rape is not illegal today, and there are 800 honor killings a year. What kind of economic boom might stagnating Pakistan enjoy if patriarchy relaxed its grip? |
'West against KSA becoming democracy' Posted: 05 Oct 2011 02:52 AM PDT A Middle East expert says the Western powers along with other Arab states will do whatever it takes to crush a possible uprising to democracy in Saudi Arabia. |
Macaca Media: Squeezing Blood from Stone Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT The Washington Post's stoning of Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry is journalistic malpractice. Instead of calling the newspaper to task, other national media outlets have joined in. And now, the Post is doubling down on slander. The Post dispatched reporters to the remote hunting grounds of a Perry-linked ranch — "associated" with Perry through "his father, partners or his signature on a lease" — because it once had a rock on it somewhere that had the word "Niggerhead" painted on it. The term is an embarrassing vestige of past racism not just in Texas but on geographical landmarks across the country. |
Why the UN must abolish the 'Quartet' Posted: 04 Oct 2011 10:03 PM PDT Blair, according to the documentary, has used his Quartet role to gain introductions and proximity to Arab leaders, whom he then signed private consulting contracts with for his secretive private firm Tony Blair Associates (The name sounds strikingly like the infamous Kissinger Associates). |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011 06:15 PM PDT Hi! This is your most favourite Non-Nato ally Pakistan that has fought your war on terror since you invaded Afghanistan a decade ago. When you attacked Afghanistan, many had professed that you would last for about a decade if history were any witness. The Soviets before you had a similar experience in Afghanistan. For them, the famous quote by Alexander the Great that Afghanistan "is easy to march into but hard to march out of" had held out. Similarly, when you entered Afghanistan almost a decade after the Soviets had left, your defeat was only a prophesy. Now it's a reality; a decade later, it will be history. |
Settlers Attack Israeli Activists and Palestinian Farmers near Anatot 30 9 2011 Posted: 04 Oct 2011 03:42 PM PDT This is a pogrom. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011 01:46 PM PDT Listening to neoconservative mastermind Richard Perle at the Nixon Center yesterday, there was a sense of falling down the rabbit hole. |
Soros Publicly Supports Occupy Wall Street Posted: 04 Oct 2011 01:00 PM PDT Billionaire financier, hedge fund kingpin and unabashed globalist George Soros has come out publicly and supported the amorphous Occupy Wall Street movement. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011 12:05 PM PDT The Mouse That Roared is a 1955 Cold War satirical novel by Irish American writer Leonard Wibberley, in which an impoverished backward nation declares a war on the United States of America, to get out of its economic woes hoping to lose, but things don't go according to plan. The events of the previous week, commencing with Admiral Mike Mullen's ill founded testimony and US jingoism and concluding with the All Parties' Conference (APC) reminded me of the above quoted novel, except that in the story, the best laid plans of mice and men go awry and the tiny nation, by a stroke of unforeseen events, wins the war. In our case the mouse did not roar but merely whimpered. |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011 08:35 AM PDT US Vice President Joe Biden openly stressed his strong opposition to the release of an Israeli spy once consulted by President Obama on the issue of late, in the face of challenge by a host of rabbis a week ago in Florida, according to the New York Times. |
"Illuminati Pawn" - America's Secret Destiny Posted: 04 Oct 2011 06:27 AM PDT |
Gaza in Plain Language—Revisited. Honoring the March to Gaza. Now on March 4th, 2011 Posted: 04 Oct 2011 04:24 AM PDT
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KarmalAbout MeAfghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan. User Stats
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