Rebel Newsflash: This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran's intelligence service (plus 84 more items) | |
- This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran's intelligence service
- Chinese computers establish global reign
- Sick System Reboot: Greek déjà-vu for Portugal
- FBI Records Talk Radio
- Right-wing idolatry in the US
- USA to Russia: We don't care what you want. We just do what we want
- Tokyo Hit With Fukushima Radiation
- U.S. playing the Saudi envoy game
- 'US anti-Iran claim a desperate measure'
- 'US anti-Iran claim a desperate measure'
- The instability of inequality
- Globe vs Greed: 'Occupy Together' in Asia
- China fighter jet crash: JH-7 'Flying Leopard' nose-dives into field
- EU to takeover former Yugoslavia
- 2012 Timeline: Assets Seizure, Hyperinflation And Debt Slavery
- The supposed Iran plot: Immunised by Neocons
- Is the New World Order Unraveling?
- Costs of the Occupiers
- Exposed: Out-of-control Medicare program subsidizing drug habits of tens of thousands of abusers, drug dealers
- Vaccine industry receives government financial bailouts via Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
- The HPV vaccine - what do you really know about it?
- What Is going On With Occupy Miami?
- 'US officials seek to hijack OWS for vote'
- 'US Iran accusations, unjustifiable'
- 'US seeks to save face with Iran claim'
- The power of one tent
- The early signs are already here
- Speaking of apologies ...
- Not fit for human habitation
- Sharing the burden of the Holocaust
- Not 'like a job'
- A statesman is born
- No country for young oligarchs
- Who should we thank?
- Israeli society is standing by as settlers take the reigns
- Shalit deal proves Netanyahu can make tough decisions
- Fear mongers aside, Shalit deal is good for Israel
- Panel Discussion on Jewish Identity Politics
- Lobby boots Surasky from Jewish 'Heroes' Contest
- Don't Divide, UNITE! From Occupy Wall Street to Liberate the World
- Brilliant Protest Art
- No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations
- Feds: States Have No Rights
- Iranian Plot, Fast and Furious, Drone Virus - New World Next Week
- Ban Ki-Moon: An insult to the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld
- Zionist moneybags Strauss-Kahn escapes another rape charge
- 3GF and Green Economic Growth
- Wheels Come Off Phony Iran Terror Plot
- Obama: Most Warmongering President of Modern History
- Columbus Day celebration of murder and genocide
- OfCom decision on Press TV scandalous
- You Have 72 Hours To Stop WW III By Turning The Iran Bomb Hoax Into A Joke
- US using thugs to silence people
- Targeting Iran: US Playing the Saudi Envoy Game
- Occupy Wall Street: 'We Are All Americans Now'
- Sources: US Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike
- Iranian Plot More Fantastical Than Real
- Pieczenik: Obama and Israel to Attack Iran Under Cover of Bogus Terror Threat
- Clowns Hopping Out of Their Clown Cars&.
- Wary of 'The Ides of March'
- Wary of 'The Ides of March'
- US protesters must take tougher stance
- Mr. President, We Believe Holder Lied on Iran Terror
- Long War: At Cost of Pakistan
- Occupy DC: 'We need millions of people more'
- We Are Change Chicago confronts Herman Cain
- Steve Jobs' counter-cultural ties
- NATO exterminates 2 percent of a populated city
- Punching a Hole in the Bubbles
- 'No way Iran devised assassination plot'
- Journey As Destination: Occupy Wall Street Practices Democracy
- Human evolution: No easy fix
- Former CIA agent claims the military poisoned his family at Camp Stanley – and used national security concerns to cover it up
- Unhappy Nation: Americans distrust corporatocracy
- GOP Strategist: Ron Paul Could Win Republican Nomination
- Revolution here to stay! Immortal Technique full OWS interview
- Rich Pickings: OWS arrests throw oil on protest fire
- The politics of health
- When Confidence Leaves The System It Could All Come Apart
- PBOC Launches Day Two Of Currency Cold War Offensive
- Even NY Times Admits Ludicrous Nature of Iranian Terror Plot
- Australian Private Property Rights Abolished: James Delingpole Reports
- Building a Pretext to Target Iran: Accusing Tehran of Orchestrating an Assassination Plot against the Saudi Ambassador
- Jews Talking To Themselves 2
- It's actually NOT all about 'the Jews'!
This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran's intelligence service Posted: 14 Oct 2011 07:35 AM PDT
The confident announcement of this bizarre plot by the US Attorney General Eric Holder sounds alarmingly similar to Secretary of State Colin Powell's notorious claim before the UN in 2003 that the US possessed irrefutable evidence Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. |
Chinese computers establish global reign Posted: 14 Oct 2011 06:30 AM PDT Lenovo has become world's second largest seller of personal computers. The Chinese company has taken the title from Dell. Lenovo buys computer assembly works to pursues global reign at this point. However, the growth of computer sales has been slowing down steadily. |
Sick System Reboot: Greek déjà-vu for Portugal Posted: 14 Oct 2011 05:51 AM PDT
Posted: 14 Oct 2011 04:49 AM PDT
Posted: 14 Oct 2011 03:30 AM PDT Whether it's the bronze bull encountered by those occupying Wall Street, the fixation with a Chris Christie presidency not to be, or the ex post facto transformation of Ronald Reagan into Kratos by middle-aged Republican Congresspersons who practically start to giggle and spontaneously pulsate just upon hearing his name, there is one thing you can expect to encounter a lot of on the right side of the political spectrum these days: Golden Calves. |
USA to Russia: We don't care what you want. We just do what we want Posted: 14 Oct 2011 03:20 AM PDT Michael McFaul, Barack Obama's nominee for US ambassador to Russia, released the statements, which destroyed the last hope for the possibility of diplomatic maneuvers at the US-Russian talks, the Rossiiskaya Gazeta wrote. McFaul virtually accused Russia of blackmail and acknowledged that the talks on missile defense reached a deadlock. |
Tokyo Hit With Fukushima Radiation Posted: 14 Oct 2011 02:40 AM PDT |
U.S. playing the Saudi envoy game Posted: 14 Oct 2011 02:19 AM PDT
'US anti-Iran claim a desperate measure' Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:59 AM PDT The US Justice Department has accused Iran of scheming to assassinate the Saudi Arabian envoy to Washington with the help of a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel. |
'US anti-Iran claim a desperate measure' Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:59 AM PDT The US Justice Department has accused Iran of scheming to assassinate the Saudi Arabian envoy to Washington with the help of a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel. |
Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:47 AM PDT This year has witnessed a global wave of social and political turmoil and instability, with masses of people pouring into the real and virtual streets: the Arab Spring; riots in London; Israel's middle-class protests against high housing prices and an inflationary squeeze on living standards; protesting Chilean students; the destruction in Germany of the expensive cars of "fat cats"; India's movement against corruption; mounting unhappiness with corruption and inequality in China; and now the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in New York and across the United States. |
Globe vs Greed: 'Occupy Together' in Asia Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:43 AM PDT
China fighter jet crash: JH-7 'Flying Leopard' nose-dives into field Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:36 AM PDT
EU to takeover former Yugoslavia Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:31 AM PDT The European Union is going to grow through the republics of former Yugoslavia. Following Slovenia and Croatia, Montenegro may soon become an EU member. The long-awaited status of a candidate country was given to Serbia, but it was made clear that without a settlement of the Kosovo issue Serbs will not be able to enjoy the membership. |
2012 Timeline: Assets Seizure, Hyperinflation And Debt Slavery Posted: 14 Oct 2011 01:04 AM PDT I have known for decades that the bankers have worked together for more than a century towards this one goal: |
The supposed Iran plot: Immunised by Neocons Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:07 AM PDT A few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, I attended a big holiday dinner with family and friends. Naturally much of the conversation revolved around the terrorist attacks and the rage and sorrow we all felt. There was also considerable discussion about President George W Bush's handling of the catastrophe and his decision to send troops to Afghanistan in pursuit of the perpetrators and to eliminate the Taliban regime that was hosting them. |
Is the New World Order Unraveling? Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT Is the New World Order Unraveling? With Greece on the precipice of default, and Portugal and Italy approaching the ledge, the European monetary union appears in peril. Should it collapse, the European Union itself could be in danger, for economic nationalism is rising in Europe. Which raises a larger question. Is the New World Order, the great 20th century project of Western transnational elites, unraveling? |
Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT The trash generated by the "Occupy Wall Street" protests keeps piling up. So do the bills. Liberal media outlets claim the anarchic, anti-capitalist movement is more popular than the tea party. But wait until Americans across the country get a full picture of the costs of the aimless occupiers. In New York City, government officials estimate the month-long siege of Zuccotti Park has now imposed $3.2 million in overtime police costs on the public. On Thursday, as Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office pressured left-wing activists to vacate the park for cleaning, Occupy Wall Street urged sympathizers to flood the city's customer services lines: "Call 311 and tell Bloomberg not to evict us!" |
Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT One of the primary reasons why prescription drug abuse in the US has become so rampant is that milking the government's corrupt Medicare system for a virtually unlimited supply of prescription drugs is relatively easy. The New York Times (NYT) reports that, thanks to lax accountability standards by the program's administrators, tens of thousands of Americans are now openly abusing Medicare to support their drug habits, or to sell lucrative, high-demand painkiller drugs like OxyContin to others for profit. |
Vaccine industry receives government financial bailouts via Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT Ever wonder why vaccine related injuries reported by parents get so little mass media attention? It's easy to understand when you realize that although a federally decreed reporting system does exist for vaccine injuries, the agency itself simply stores them in a data base that doesn't influence most medical professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and mainstream media. |
The HPV vaccine - what do you really know about it? Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT If you are considering vaccinating your child with an HPV vaccine, what information have you read, and what questions have you asked?What do you KNOW about the human papillomaviruses (HPV) which the medical profession says causes cervical cancer? |
What Is going On With Occupy Miami? Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:30 PM PDT (FEDERALJACK) This article is going to anger some people, and I know I am going to get feedback on this but it needs to be said. Occupy Miami should be called Procrastinate Miami. On Saturday October 1st the first gathering of concerned citizens with seemingly no connections took place at Bayside in downtown Miami. A couple hundred people showed up for the first of two meetings that day and later for the second meeting about the same number showed up. There wasn't any real person in charge but very quickly a few people jumped at the opportunity to take charge and start directing the group. |
'US officials seek to hijack OWS for vote' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:53 PM PDT The United States is currently grappling with growing protest rallies against corporatism, poverty and social inequity in the country. |
'US Iran accusations, unjustifiable' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:44 PM PDT The United States has recently accused two Iranians of involvement in hatching a plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington. |
'US seeks to save face with Iran claim' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:44 PM PDT The United States has recently accused two Iranians of involvement in hatching a plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT After 16 months of sitting in a tent near the prime minister's residence, Noam and Aviva Shalit have vanquished Benjamin Netanyahu. So it's nice to hear the compliments the prime minister is now getting about his courage (? ), and it's interesting to listen to the contorted explanations about the impact of the Arab Spring, but the truth is much more basic: Netanyahu simply buckled. |
The early signs are already here Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT Like every year during the days around Yom Kippur, the big question arises once again: How is it possible that we didn't notice the signs of the approaching war? But not only wars have early-warning signs - destructive social and political events do not come like a bolt from the blue either. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT Buried somewhere in the middle of the "Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Inquiry on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident" (the Palmer Report ) is a small detail that is bound to inconvenience Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his desire to break Israel's Gaza blockade by deploying the Turkish Navy: "the absence of significant port facilities in Gaza." |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT The head of the prison service, Aharon Franco, recently conceded that some of Israel's prisons are not fit to hold inmates. Franco is considering relocating the Neveh Tirza prison, Israel's only women's prison, to the south. Hopefully this will happen soon. Since its establishment in 1968, Neveh Tirza has had a capacity of 229 inmates. In 2010, Israel had 139 female inmates behind bars and 50 women suspects in detention, while there were 22,000 male prisoners. |
Sharing the burden of the Holocaust Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT Somehow I just couldn't figure it out. Franz had been interned in several concentration camps. He participated in the Bekennende Kirche, the "Confessing Church," and vehemently opposed Nazism. He had lost many friends. He too had suffered. And yet, though wholly blameless himself, he became one of the most vocal advocates of moral restitution in postwar Germany. Why? |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT A three-part documentary series titled "The People's Army," produced by Chaim Yavin, is currently being broadcast on Channel 2. The series' second episode addressed the Israel Defense Forces' tremendous waste of manpower, and the third episode looked at the defense budget. One need not be an economist in order to understand the close connection between surplus manpower and a bloated budget. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT For a moment, Israel has a statesman who makes courageous and correct decisions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demonstrated praiseworthy leadership in the process that led to the signing of a deal for the release of abducted soldier Gilad Shalit. |
No country for young oligarchs Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT Mikhail Prokhorov, the owner of gold mines in Siberia and a professional basketball team in the United States, is one of Russia's richest men, with a net worth of $18 billion. This past June, he agreed to lead a center-right political party in December's parliamentary elections. Prokhorov, who is 46, seemed to believe that his business experience would boost his political prospects. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT We'll get to the "we told you so" at the end, so as not to lose readers right away. |
Israeli society is standing by as settlers take the reigns Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT Like every year during the days around Yom Kippur, the big question arises once again: How is it possible that we didn't notice the signs of the approaching war? But not only wars have early-warning signs - destructive social and political events do not come like a bolt from the blue either. |
Shalit deal proves Netanyahu can make tough decisions Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT For a moment, Israel has a statesman who makes courageous and correct decisions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demonstrated praiseworthy leadership in the process that led to the signing of a deal for the release of abducted soldier Gilad Shalit. |
Fear mongers aside, Shalit deal is good for Israel Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:23 PM PDT We'll get to the "we told you so" at the end, so as not to lose readers right away. |
Panel Discussion on Jewish Identity Politics Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:41 PM PDT Footage from a picket orgenised by J-BIG that took place shortly prior to Gilad Atzmon's 'The Wandering Who' book launching event and Panel Discussion. |
Lobby boots Surasky from Jewish 'Heroes' Contest Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:05 PM PDT Former journalist and radio talk-show host, Cecilie Surasky is deputy director of Jewish Voice for Peace. The group is dedicated to achieving a lasting peace in Palestine based on justice and equal rights for both Israeli Jews and native Palestinian Muslims and Christians. |
Don't Divide, UNITE! From Occupy Wall Street to Liberate the World Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:51 PM PDT
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:27 PM PDT |
No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:02 PM PDT The day before Attorney General was subpoenaed about what he knew about the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Agency's "Fast and Furious" operation to get weapons to Mexico's largest drug cartel, the U.S. government announced that the Iranians planned to kill a Saudi ambassador on U.S. soil. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:54 PM PDT In a recent column appearing on, Kurt Nimmo succinctly and correctly pointed out that the federal government's usurpation of State sovereignty, jurisdiction, and authority is worsening. The current case in point is the recent open letter to all firearms dealers by the ATF. Nimmo begins, "In its continuing effort to pare down the number of Americans who can exercise their rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has sent a letter to firearms dealers informing them that medical patients 'addicted' to legally dispensed medical marijuana have no right to own and possess firearms. |
Iranian Plot, Fast and Furious, Drone Virus - New World Next Week Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:06 PM PDT
Ban Ki-Moon: An insult to the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:01 PM PDT The former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld died fifty years ago in an air crash in central Africa while flying to Katanga to negotiate a cease-fire. As the current Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon stood by his tombstone in Uppsala, Sweden, issuing pleasantries, the man he was insulting with his presence must have been turning in his grave. |
Zionist moneybags Strauss-Kahn escapes another rape charge Posted: 13 Oct 2011 02:58 PM PDT Strauss Kahn escapes another rape charge, so, what else is new? The New York Times reports that Khan has just slithered out of another prosecution. The new rulers of Globalism, are much like the Romans were in the Roman Empire, they had a law unto themselves, and no matter what nation of the world they were in: the Roman elite was treated to an altogether different level of deference than the populace of those nations. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 02:50 PM PDT
Wheels Come Off Phony Iran Terror Plot Posted: 13 Oct 2011 01:45 PM PDT The bogus plot cooked up by the FBI and DEA to frame a used car dealer and claim he tried to set up an assassination plot at the behest of Iran's Quds is coming apart at the seams. |
Obama: Most Warmongering President of Modern History Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:56 PM PDT Now that Obama appears ready to start World War III – or IV, depending if a neocon is doing the recounting – we should take a stroll down memory lane and take a look at the record. |
Columbus Day celebration of murder and genocide Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:53 PM PDT In the name of God, Columbus reached a small island in the Americas and took possession of it. There was a cheer from the killers, the Catholic kings. There was no discovery, because there was nothing new that he found. The massacre of hundreds of civilizations continued ... |
OfCom decision on Press TV scandalous Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:31 PM PDT Britain's Office of Communications, known as OfCom, has decided to take Press TV off air in the UK, citing administrative problems in Press TV's application as the reason. |
You Have 72 Hours To Stop WW III By Turning The Iran Bomb Hoax Into A Joke Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:29 PM PDT I still believe we will stop World War III but we must all join together and expose this latest Iran bomb hoax as the joke it is. |
US using thugs to silence people Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:20 PM PDT The "Occupy Wall Street"(OWS) movement emerged on September 17, when a group of people began rallying in New York's financial district to protest at 'corporate greed' and top-level corruption in the country. |
Targeting Iran: US Playing the Saudi Envoy Game Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:07 PM PDT In a 'united against Iran campaign,' the US government has accused Tehran of orchestrating an assassination plot against the Saudi envoy in Washington, a move which is to be seen as part of a US stratagem to carry on with its plan of demonizing and isolating the Islamic Republic of Iran. |
Occupy Wall Street: 'We Are All Americans Now' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:53 AM PDT The current crisis of capitalism is textbook Marx. Greedy capitalists, craven politicians, scheming bankers, dispossessed masses. It is also textbook Lenin. Imperial wars awakening the masses to revolt – though the days of Lenin's competing empires are over. Rather, we are all one big happy family, with the exception of a few blaggards who will soon be "wiped off the map" to misquote a particularly blag blaggard. |
Sources: US Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:27 AM PDT Fabricated terror plot provides pretext for intervention following Panetta's October 3 Tel Aviv visit |
Iranian Plot More Fantastical Than Real Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:12 AM PDT The alleged Iranian assassination plot against the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Adil Al Jubiar can be described as the dumbest covert operation in the history of intelligence. The plot outline as reported by the American media included shooting inside a popular American restaurant that Mr. Al Jubair normally frequents while filled with innocent diners in the heart of the capital of the United States. |
Pieczenik: Obama and Israel to Attack Iran Under Cover of Bogus Terror Threat Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:09 AM PDT Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, former State Department official Steve Pieczenik said Israel and the United States will use the cartoonish terror plot invented by the DEA and the FBI now dominating headlines as a false flag pretext to wage war on Iran. |
Clowns Hopping Out of Their Clown Cars&. Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:01 AM PDT
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:59 AM PDT Politics in America is a balancing act between idealism and cynicism, with the latter usually triumphing over the former at least in the near term, until a new surge of idealism arrives. As Lisa Pease writes, this ebb and flow is at the center of George Clooney's new movie, "The Ides of March." |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:59 AM PDT Politics in America is a balancing act between idealism and cynicism, with the latter usually triumphing over the former at least in the near term, until a new surge of idealism arrives. As Lisa Pease writes, this ebb and flow is at the center of George Clooney's new movie, "The Ides of March." |
US protesters must take tougher stance Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:12 AM PDT Americans across the country have been protesting at a variety of issues since mid-September, including the unfair distribution of wealth, widespread corporate corruption. |
Mr. President, We Believe Holder Lied on Iran Terror Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:10 AM PDT
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:05 AM PDT Visit the US, there is no sign of any threat or attack, life goes like routine with no shade of war anywhere. Here in Pakistan, there is no road or street that does not have barricades, security checks and all sorts of problems that the people face. The entire thrust has come on Pakistan for no fault of hers. Bush and company have made billions, killed people in hundreds of thousands with no swet on their faces. |
Occupy DC: 'We need millions of people more' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:18 AM PDT
We Are Change Chicago confronts Herman Cain Posted: 13 Oct 2011 08:59 AM PDT |
Steve Jobs' counter-cultural ties Posted: 13 Oct 2011 08:53 AM PDT If you work in the arts it is hard not to be hyperbolic about the death of Steve Jobs. For a large share of the artists, musicians, designers and other arts professionals I've met in the last twenty years, owning an Apple was a necessary if not sufficient component of becoming a real artist. Apple has literally become part of our identity. |
NATO exterminates 2 percent of a populated city Posted: 13 Oct 2011 08:49 AM PDT NATO genocidal continuous bombing has managed to exterminate 2 percent of the city of Sirte, including 1,000 children. How in anyone's estimation can this be considered "protecting" civilians? |
Punching a Hole in the Bubbles Posted: 13 Oct 2011 08:15 AM PDT In America, bubbles come in two forms: how Wall Street insiders suck in a sucker's money before the speculative bubble pops and how those same scam artists stay inside a protective bubble to spare themselves from the fallout. In this autumn of national discontent, Phil Rockstroh sees hope for real change. |
'No way Iran devised assassination plot' Posted: 13 Oct 2011 08:03 AM PDT Iran could not have been behind the plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US in any imaginable way, a former CIA officer tells Press TV. |
Journey As Destination: Occupy Wall Street Practices Democracy Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:57 AM PDT Famed political trend forecaster Gerald Celente believes that direct democracy – where people cut out the corrupt "middle man" and vote on issues themselves – is the only way to save America. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:44 AM PDT Humans are undeniably complex, and proud of it. No case, we believe, needs to be made for our biological superiority. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:39 AM PDT The ugly side effects surfaced soon after Kevin Shipp transferred in 1999 from CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., to Camp Stanley, the sprawling U.S. Army weapons depot just north of San Antonio. His now ex-wife, Lorena Shipp, suddenly began to suffer near-constant migraines. Rapidly increasing bouts of confusion and short-term memory loss were so severe the family feared she was bordering on dementia. "I thought she was dying," Kevin Shipp said in a recent interview with the Current. |
Unhappy Nation: Americans distrust corporatocracy Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:29 AM PDT
GOP Strategist: Ron Paul Could Win Republican Nomination Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:24 AM PDT Perry, Romney and Cain will all fade away, says Burkman |
Revolution here to stay! Immortal Technique full OWS interview Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:59 AM PDT
Rich Pickings: OWS arrests throw oil on protest fire Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:15 AM PDT
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:01 AM PDT In the late 1840s typhus fever broke out in Upper Silesia, a Prussian province in what is now Poland. The education ministry sent a physician called Rudolf Virchow to investigate. While Virchow identified insanitary working conditions as the immediate cause of the epidemic he traced its origins to the region's lack of political liberty. In the absence of free institutions the inhabitants were "poor, ignorant and apathetic". In order to prevent a recurrence of the disease Virchow recommended a remedy that he summarised in a few words: "full and unlimited democracy". |
When Confidence Leaves The System It Could All Come Apart Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:25 AM PDT The investment world hasn't been too excited about "operation twist." After its announcement the S&P fell more than 14% and worldwide stocks fell some 23%. Commodities were smashed, and silver fell 28% and gold 12%. During this process short dated yields on Treasuries fell close to zero and maintained, as long-term yields fell. That means granny and grandpa will have less to live on and pensions won't attain 7.5% return to reach their retirement goals. The result is a Dow yielding 2.8% and S&P 2.2%, while the 10-year T-note yields 1.9%. It is not surprising that fund and money managers are reaching for high yield quality stocks. This they believe will provide yield and safety, while waiting for the next Fed innovation. A situation such as this has not existed for 53 years since I left counter-intelligence. |
PBOC Launches Day Two Of Currency Cold War Offensive Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:23 AM PDT The People's Bank of China set the yuan's central parity rate against the U.S. dollar at 6.3737 on Thursday, a second sequential major drop and down from Wednesday's 6.3598. This follows a weakened fixing of 6.3598 on Wednesday, down from the record high fixing of 6.3483 on Tuesday, just before the Senate decided to launch the first salvo in the Sino-US trade wars. Surely news of the collapse in Chinese exports will merely reinforce the theme that the USDCNY is in sudden need of devaluation and be a loud slap in the face of the Senate which will now come face to face with its utter worthlessness. In Hong Kong, the offshore yuan spot rate was fixed at 6.4407 against the greenback on Thursday, compared with Wednesday's 6.4923. |
Even NY Times Admits Ludicrous Nature of Iranian Terror Plot Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:20 AM PDT The Obama administration on Wednesday sought to reconcile what it said was solid evidence of an Iranian plot to murder Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States with a wave of puzzlement and skepticism from some foreign leaders and outside experts. |
Australian Private Property Rights Abolished: James Delingpole Reports Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:15 AM PDT As a part of Australia's commitment to protect native vegetation and to reduce carbon emissions under the Kyoto protocol, thousands of farmers have been subjected to a government imposed ban on land clearing. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 01:13 AM PDT In a 'United against Iran Campaign,' the US government has accused Tehran of orchestrating an assassination plot against the Saudi envoy in Washington, a move which is to be seen as part of US stratagem to carry on with its plan of demonizing and isolating the Islamic Republic of Iran. |
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:41 AM PDT
It's actually NOT all about 'the Jews'! Posted: 12 Oct 2011 11:47 PM PDT
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