Monday, November 21, 2011

United States: Oakland, CA – 30,000 strong march in response to general strike call

In Defence of Marxism
  Tuesday, 8 November 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Juan Rojas and Antonio Palmer, Bay Area WIL

United States: Oakland, CA – 30,000 strong march in response to general strike call. Photo: Sayf KhidirOn November 2,Oakland saw one of the biggest demonstrations in years with different sectors of the working class coming together to make their voices heard and successfully shutting down one of the biggest ports in the United States. It was a clear indication that the U.S. workers are reaching the limit of what they can take. However, the media did very little to report on these actions; instead it focused on the graffiti, smashed windows and confrontations with the police that involved a small minority, a small and unaccountable group at its fringes. This is a blatant attempt to demonize the movement and to present a violent image of it as a movement headed by anarchists and ruffians.

By Fred Weston

Breaking news from Italy – Berlusconi loses his parliamentary majority. Photo: European Council-thBerlusconi has lost his majority in the lower house of the Italian parliament. Although he won a vote on the latest round of austerity measures included in the budget, he did so with less than half the votes of the MPs in parliament. The result of the vote was 308 in favour, 1 abstention, but with the majority of MPs not voting. This means the budget was approved but now Berlusconi stands naked having lost his parliamentary majority. His days are numbered and the pressure is mounting for him to go.

By Corriente Marxista Internacional – Lucha de Clases

Venezuela: An Initial Assessment of the Trade Union Elections at SIDORAt half past one in the morning, the results from the trade union elections at SIDOR were announced, the huge iron and steel plant in the city of Puerto Ordaz (Guayana, Edo. Bolivar). In a competition characterised by a hard-fought margin amongst the candidates, José Luís Hernández of the Revolutionary Orinoco Movement was re-elected as the president of SUTISS (The Union of Workers in the Iron and Steel Sector). 

By CMI / Lucha de Clases - Bolívar

A la una y media de la madrugada se anunciaron los resultados de las elecciones sindicales en SIDOR, la enorme planta siderúrgica ubicada en la ciudad de Puerto Ordáz (Guayana, Edo. Bolívar). En una contienda caracterizada por un margen muy reñido entre los candidatos, resultó reelegido como presidente del SUTISS (Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Industria Siderúrgica y Sus Similares (Sutiss), José Luís Hernández del Movimiento Revolucionario Orinoco.

By Alan Woods

La cattura e l'uccisione del colonnello Gheddafi sono state descritte dai mass media in tutti i dettagli scabrosi possibili. Con la morte di Gheddafi e la presa di Sirte, il Consiglio nazionale di transizione (CNT) sta parlando di formare un governo di transizione. Il CNT è riconosciuto dalle potenze imperialiste, di cui rappresenta gli interessi. Tuttavia, molti libici guardano con diffidenza giustificata al CNT e ai suoi sostenitori imperialisti.

By La Riposte - France

Entretien avec Samba LY, délégué CGT de Net Eclair. Les quarante salariés de la blanchisserie industrielle Net Eclair, à l'aéroport de Roissy, occupent leur entreprise depuis le 6 octobre, jour où la direction a annoncé son intention de la liquider. Elle a pour activité le nettoyage des linges d'avion. Elle est en bout de chaîne de la sous-traitance généralisée qui prévaut dans l'organisation du travail mise en place par les compagnies aériennes, et notamment le groupe Air France.

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